unicoRN was founded by queer nursing students in the Doctor of Nursing Practice program at the University of Washington School of Nursing. They felt that there was not yet a space for them to learn about, organize, work and connect with, advocate for, and develop research to promote the health and wellness of the LGBTQTSIA+ community. unicoRN serves to provide mentorship and develop leaders among the queer community in the school of nursing. It is built off the pillars of membership, education, and community engagement with other queer student groups at UW, in the larger Seattle community, and within national nursing groups. unicoRN strives to promote inclusive education about LGBTQTSIA+ health in our registered nurse and nurse practitioner programs, to train a new workforce of queer-inclusive providers. unicoRN is excited for this opportunity to partner with other LGBTQTSIA+ groups and to share this fun experience with the queer community!
What is unicoRN bringing to the health fair?
Safe injection techniques
Blood pressure screening
Blood sugar screening
Heart & lung exams with stethoscopes
Sex Ed
Contraceptive options: education and information
LGBTQTSIA+ friendly provider referral list
Routine health screenings: education around what exams you need and when
We’re throwing “sex-based screenings” out the window! No more: “my provider recommends women get Pap smears every 3-5 years”
and more!